Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bunnies, Peeps and Easter Treats - Part 1

Hanging With My Peeps

A few weeks ago I came home from work and found these wooden peeps on the kitchen counter. It was a not so subtle hint to get going on the peeps idea Rich saw on Pinterest. I guess he was bored one day (can't say I feel sorry for him, being retired and all) so he decided to do some wood work. 

After I chose the paint, he primed and painted. 

After the paint, I Mod Podged the peeps and added a layer of glitter to each. 

After they were nice and dry, I spray them with a Mod Podge sealer.  I hot glued some buttons on for eyes and began work on the base. 

Using my new Cricut Explore,  I cut the words from a sheet of vinyl. The new Cricut Explore makes it so easy. It even uses the fonts I have installed on my machine.

I applied them to a painted and Mod Podged 2x4.  Rich finished up by applying the peeps to the board.

What do you think? 

This was a fun project, especially since I  didn't have to cut or paint the wood. Rich is really getting the hang of this craft stuff. I just might have to add to his "honey do" list. 

Lessons Learned: 
1. Next time I'll use a darker color vinyl on the base. 

Have you made any peep crafts? I'd love to hear about them. 

Mesh Easter Wreath

These wreaths are so easy to make.  All you have to do is use twistie ties or chenille stems to  attach gathered mesh to a wire wreath form. 

Since Rich was cutting Peeps (above) I had him cut one out of 1/4"mdf board we had left from other projects.  We both painted a bunny face so it could be added to the wreath. 

I added some ribbon and a few easter flower novelties I picked up from Hobby Lobby (at 50% off), and a colorful door decor was born. 

Stay tuned for part two of Bunnies, Peeps and Easter treats.

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