Saturday, March 3, 2018

#Bombogenesis Bullseye

127 got socked with snow yesterday. No quilts, no crafts, and no kitchen delights on these days. This noteworthy storm is one of the biggest snowstorms  I can remember in recent years: 28+ inches. I live in the pink area to the north in the Schoharie Valley. Neighboring villages and towns had almost 40 inches. Friends and family were without power for hours.
The following pictures tell the story of a full day snowstorm in which it snowed ALL day long. I truly figured I would have to travel an hour to work in the snow on Friday; I had no idea it would be this bad. A nice surprise of a snow day? No way. Not when the snow is so wet and heavy and needs to be cleared from land, decks, and roofs. My muscles, bones, and mental state will take at least the weekend to bounce back.  I would rather have been in school celebrating Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Trees and bushes all over the neighborhood will hopefully survive the weight of the snow.

Many branches, some huge, broke from trees all over the valley. 
Yes, it looks pretty, but only for a while.  
Charlie loved the snow and everything about it. He thought the shovels, falling snow from the trees, and noise from branches cracking were all a part of the "snow games"  of which he was determined to win.

This was the second round of snow after the first removal.
Heavy branches I'm hoping won't break.

At the end of the day on Friday, it was exhausting and just too much on the body.
Saturday morning the roof snow removal began. Can't let it melt and freeze here in upstate NY or you would have a mess of leaks down the wall in your house.

 These pines sure do look pretty though.
Hopefully, there will be no more snow storms like this around 127.
What was the weather like where you were on Mar. 2, 2018?

Lessons Learned:
1. Check the generator weeks before the winter season. Ours bit the dust on Mar. 1.
2. Try to keep up with snow blowing and shoveling if you don't have a plow or someone to do it for you. I heard of many who burnt out their snowblowers because the snow was just too heavy.
3. Remember, in the great northeast: IT IS WHAT IT IS. :)

A Preview of Things to Come
Riley Blake Lost In Love Quilt: One for Me
and one for a Special Friend

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